On Saturday, November 13, several students from St. Thomas Aquinas were able to participate
in a university “Month of Kindness” event – the Thanksgiving Luncheon for AIDS patients. Although the event occurred on Saturday, preparation began much earlier.
In the beginning of the week, students met at the church center to design and craft centerpieces for the tables that
were later taken home as prizes, along with two beautiful hand-knit scarves, for several lucky guests. The cooking was completely done by student volunteers! While
some volunteers spent their Friday afternoon learning the art of turkey-basting and potato-mashing, other students crafted
holiday cards for the AIDS patients.
on Saturday morning, students met at St. Thomas for some last-minute cooking and then headed over to St. Iglesia Church in
Windham, CT, where the food was heated up and served. Hors’d’oeuvres,
a large, delicious Thanksgiving meal, and pies for dessert were enjoyed by all. Colleen
Morris played the flute during the event to enhance the delightful atmosphere. The
guests truly seemed to enjoy the food and appreciate our presence, as well as the opportunity to socialize and get to know
UConn students. There was enough leftover food, after the guests and volunteers
ate, for us to donate to Holy Family shelter on our way back to campus. This
was a wonderful event; if you like food and friendship, be sure to sign-up next year!